Lonely Yuri - Sales and Owners Statistics
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October 2024
Only for members
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Sales & Owners based on user language
Lonely Yuri was released on Steam on 03/06/2018 and has been on sale for 8 months.
In October 2024, Lonely Yuri was bought by >1K players for a total of >$5K.
This is the 1th game from the developer Night-time Sheep
Among the players of Lonely Yuri, most of the audience speaks the following languages:
english, tchinese, japanese.
Users reviewed the game very positively. Furthermore, sales figures are 0% higher than average sales of the last 2 releases from Night-time Sheep.
To date, based on total sales for DLsite, Lonely Yuri is ranked 1th among the most financially successful projects
Users reviewed the game very positively. Furthermore, sales figures are 0% higher than average sales of the last 2 releases from Night-time Sheep.
To date, based on total sales for DLsite, Lonely Yuri is ranked 1th among the most financially successful projects
Only game sales are included in the calculations, DLC sales and in-app purchases are excluded.